Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What Motivates the Motivator by Chris Widener

Someone wrote me an email a couple of weeks ago and said, “I would love to know what motivates YOU!” So I took them up on it and I want to spend some time telling you how I stay motivated (A side lesson learned: Ask for a specific article topic and you just may get it! If you have an idea, send it to: articles@madeforsuccess.com)

Now, back to the matter at hand. It is a valid question, this one of what motivates me. After all, each and every day I have to stay on the top of my game whether it is because I am giving a speech, marketing my materials, writing to one of the subscribers I have in over 100 countries around the world, or just trying to keep my kids energized!

As I thought about it, I realized again just how simple life can be if you put the right processes in place. I realized that me staying motivated revolves around a few basic things that I do. And they are things that ANYBODY can do. So if I can stay motivated, you can too!

If you want to stay motivated, try these basics that I use to keep myself motivated:

Read good books and magazines. I am an information junkie! I read all of the time. I don’t care what you say; you cannot be successful without reading! I read books, magazines etc all of the time. I read a breadth of information so as to develop myself on a wide variety of topics. Keep reading them on a regular basis throughout the month and not just in reading binges.

Listen to good information. Get yourself into some good tapes. Listen to what others have to say. Give yourself a budget to spend on materials that will make you into a motivated animal! Above all, as you listen, apply the truths to your life in your head and they will become what you live!

Maintain a positive group of friends and colleagues. I broke this rule yesterday and went to coffee with a real downer. I am still recovering from him! One of the best things you can do is to surround yourself with positive people who will build you up and encourage you to pursue your dreams. They will be honest with you, yes, but they will also challenge you to shoot for the stars!

Focus clearly on my goals. I know where I am going and what I want to accomplish. They are firmly rooted in my mind and heart. Because of this, my mind and heart are in an attitude of motivation all of the time. I want to hit my goals and since they are present in my heart and mind, I put my energies into them.

Discipline myself to live out my priorities. Most of the time it takes plain old work. We have to discipline ourselves and as we do we find ourselves becoming more and more motivated. If we discipline ourselves, it gives us wins and victories, which makes us feel good, which motivates us for further action. If we don’t discipline ourselves, we feel defeated and we fall into a downward spiral of despair.

Are you keeping yourself motivated?

You can. I know you can because I have seen these principles and actions work in my own life. Take a moment right now and see if you are living out the principles for keeping motivated:

Do you regularly read good books and magazines?
Do you regularly listen to good material?
Do you surround yourself with positive and supportive people?
Do you know and focus on your goals?
Do you discipline yourself to action even when you don’t feel like it?

Commit yourself to these and you will find that you become a much more motivated person. This is what I do, and why I can continue to motivate others!

Upward and onward my friends!

Believe and Succeed

This is a great article from Bob Proctor that I have shared with Matt and Josh. Excellent!!

"You will agree, I am sure, that all thinking people have a sincere desire to succeed. You want to win; I want to win. No one sets out to deliberately destroy themselves - although I must admit, at times it certainly appears as if some people do.

If everyone wants to win - why don't they? There are probably many answers to that question. After talking with hundreds of people who do not seem to be able to make it happen, I have come to the conclusion that the answer to success is locked up in a seven letter word - "Believe."

Losers do not believe they can win. Why don't they believe? I think there is an answer to that question and I'll get to it in a moment. If you are having difficulty making something big happen in your life, listen closely. All the great religious leaders, philosophers and self-help gurus have told us to believe and succeed. "All things are possible for those who believe." William James said, "Believe and your belief will create the fact."

I have found that our belief system is based on our evaluation of something. Frequently when we re-evaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change. Half of my life was wasted. I never even tried to accomplish anything of any importance because I did not believe in myself. The truth was I knew very little about me. Many years ago I was encouraged to begin studying myself, re-evaluate myself. I began to gain an understanding of my marvelous mind. Every day I learned a little more and I suddenly began to believe in myself.

Today I have a number of companies around the world earning millions of dollars. We have a very successful year long coaching program... We teach people the laws of their mind. Long before the year's program is over we see marvelous things happen from more money to great loving relationships.

Re-evaluate yourself. There is a sleeping giant in you. Release it. Believe in yourself."