Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year - 2009

It's January 1, 2009 and it's time to reflect on all that we are blessed with in this life. I am thankful for my family, my friends, my work colleagues, my job and our good health. Even though we don't all get to see each other as much as we used to, today's technology has allowed us to communicate as if we were sitting right next to each other!

I am committing to being a better communicator this year; better with my wife Dale; my kids Matt and Josh; my family in SA; all my friends around the world and my work colleagues that Ideal with every day.

I am committing to a healthier lifestyle. Eating better, working out more and doing the right things that will allow me to extend the length and quality of my life. This will allow me to spend more time with all the people that I care about as well as preventing me being a burden on these people before my time.

I am committing to doing at least one marathon in 2009.

I am committing to a stretching program to allow me to be as flexible as possible as I age.

I am committing to working out everyday, using a combination of cardio (machines and classes), weight training and stretching to meet my "life" goals.

I am commiting to keep a daily journal, documenting my year as CMAA President.

I am committing to update my website and my blog page at least once a week (on a Monday)

More commitments to follow ....

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