Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why do I love South Africa?

Great poem by Ian Macdonald! Enjoy!! Got to LOVE South Africa!!

I love her for the perfection of her days

The crisp Karoo morning
The Joburg winter noon
The late summer Cape Town sunset
The star-filled Free State night

I love her for her people

For our warm smiles
For our resilience
For our I-am-because-we-are

I love her because she delights my senses

Highveld thunderbolts
Jacarandas in bloom
Sunday braais
African sun
Icy sea

I love her raw power, her intensity, her strength

I love her because of how she makes me feel

Sometimes angry, sometimes joyous
Sometimes fearful, sometimes love-filled
Sometimes frustrated, sometimes hopeful
Always alive
I love her because she intrigues me

And challenges me
The Chinese have a curse: "May you live in interesting times"
I see it as a blessing
I love her because she helps me keep things in perspective

By reminding me how privileged I am
Every day
I love her for being a microcosm of the world

A world in one country
For what we can teach the world
About compromise
And sharing
And forgiveness
And tolerance
And hope
I love her because she's imperfect

And full of opportunity
And potential unfulfilled

I love her because she has come so far

And has so much further to go
And whether we ever get there
Will all depend on us

I love her because she's been so good to me
And she inspires me to return the favour

I love her because she's my country

No matter what
I love her because she's my home
And where my soul is at rest

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